Smash Biros

  1. A martial artist, but it's a shinigami from Death Note (4)
  2. A vampire hunter, but it's the category of people with lots of money (4, 4)
  3. A well-rounded protagonist, but it's a long-legged water bird (5)
  4. A white-haired tactician, but it's putting on ceremonial clothing (6)
  5. A yellow eater, but it's when you put a guy into a suitcase (4, 3)
  6. A pilot, but it's modernist author Virginia (5)
  7. A blue frog, but it's a humanoid monster who's also a shinobi (4, 5)
  8. A red plumber, but it's what a cartographer might do at a major Brazilian city (3, 3)
  9. A blue-haired prince, but it's the Greek word for color (6)
  10. An intergalactic bounty hunter, but it's a large road vehicle for the Froot Loops toucan (3, 3)
  11. A young scientist, but it's American Bruce Banner (2, 4)
  12. A ramen bomber, but it's as little toothpaste flavoring as possible (3, 4)
  13. A mercenary with a big sword, but it's Apple's storage service (6)
  14. A red-haired warrior, but it's an ancient city in Asia Minor (4)
  15. A blue-haired warrior, but it's... just kidding! (4)
  16. A blue-haired warrior, but it's American businesswoman Stewart (6)
  17. A vampire hunter, but it's an inspirational phrase a fish might say (4, 2)
  18. A blue robot, but it's a large head of horse hair (4, 4)
  19. A yellow-haired warrior, but it's when you shut your eyes briefly (5)
  20. A group of eskimos, but it's people ascending their moral flaws (4, 8)
  21. An ape, but it's Shrek's sidekick defeating others in boxing (6, 5)
  22. A blue hedgehog, but it's very friendly (2, 4)
  23. An automaton, but it's the second horizontal line of seats at a theater (3, 1)
  24. A helpful town resident, but it's a disgusting beer (4, 5)
  25. A princess, but it's what a pastor might do (6)
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